Connecting a TBS or ELRS receiver via CRSF
CRSF is a high bandwidth, low latency digital serial protocol designed by Team BlackSheep, supports bi-directional transmission, designed primarily for high-speed data transmission between a receiver and other devices ...

Connecting the Gyro via JETI EXBus
EXBus is a bi-directional serial transmission protocol from JETI Model, designed primarily for transmission information between a receiver and other devices connected to it. By updating the latest firmware, A3 Super 4 and A3 Mini can support EXBus ...

How to update the Program Card?
The method introduced in this article applies to both the new Program Card X and the previous Program Card. The update procedure of the program card is quite similar to that of the gyros. The only difference is that ...

About the Version of Program Card
In August 2020, a new version of program card, called Program Card X, was introduced to replace the previous one. The new program card X uses a 32-bit MCU and an external EEPROM with larger capacity which make it possible to be used for ...

The Description of Flight Modes
The NORMAL mode, also known as the 'Rate mode', is the most basic function of the gyro. It works based on the rotation rate control of each axis of the airplane. When operating in this mode, the gyro will only correct currently occurring rotational movements, a momentary reaction will be applied to the servos when the airplane rotating on corresponding axis ...

Learn the differences between different models of our products ...

Programming Example of 6-Position Switch
In order to achieve a 6-position switch, programmable mixing functions should be supported by your radio system. A common approach is to apply mixings on a 2-position switch (e.g. SwA) and a 3-position switch (e.g. SwB) and get 6 different position outputs on a certain channel (e.g. Gear or Flap) ...